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thinking out loud3 min read


If you are new here or reading it first time,

I am Aman and this safe space is m own metaverse, do check out all the adventures, hope you enjoy your ride :)

We are almost at the end and all I have been thinking about is next year, funny how I am avoiding living in the present, future always looks so intriguing.


These are some projects I would like to work on next year:

  • Adding Search to my personal blog

  • Changing my current CMS from netlify to something less painful to setup and with more editing features(ideal would be notion)

  • Mario game for my open source content experiment

Long term experiments 2023

After doing this one year experiment with my open source content consumption,

I have realized that projects that I can commit to for longer time periods are a lot more fun for me and I have been ideating around a bunch of project ideas for 2023.

Few of these include:

  • Clicking one picture every day for the next one year and then generating a picture by playing around with those pixels

  • Recording a loom video every week about my progress, to make a time machine portal for me to revisit at the end of the year.

Haven't decided anything yet but will surely commit to executing atleast one experiment.

Asymmetrical Bet For 2023

I have been thinking about this a lot and I have realized that, to have any kind of leverage I will have to be distinctly known for something, a field in which I can differentiate myself.

I am personally more interested in the video + content intersection and I totally believe that with the recent AI advancements,

video as a story telling medium will expand and I am personally willing to put my skin into this game.

I may be wrong but this is a bet that I am willing to see roll out, I am sure there exists many unexplored territories currently in this space and my next year exploration will revolve around this.

Fun Money

It will be very wrong of me to say that money doesn't motivate me,

Ideally I would want to be at a position where I can optimise for maximum fun with a decent amount of effort and produce a significant amount of money as an outcome next year.

A long stretch goal would be to sell one of my side projects.

Content Consumption For 2023

In this interview with Schulz, Mr Beast talks about the methods which he took to fuel his obsessiveness for content and youtube in general and I resonate with him maximally,

MrBeast Gets Flagrant and Walked Away from $1 BILLION DOLLARS

Therefore I have decided that starting 2023 I will only consume content, that revolves around levelling me up as a developer and building things for fun,

to make sure I don't end up in the analysis paralysis loop, I will set small set of goals for myself to get into this habit of building and iterating fast.

Low Effort Consistent Health

I have realized that there are certain sets of things which I can be consistent at and I certainly don't want to keep health out of that loop but at the same time I am aware of the level of promise I can afford to uphold with myself that's neither easily achievable nor to difficult to accomplish.

I will define a set not to high effort health regimes for myself that integrates well with my daily life and will make myself accountable to it.

Inspiration for this


Am I being to ambitious?

who knows, but there are certain things this year has taught me and I am willing to bet my belief system on those set of things,

I may be wrong and will be more than happy to pivot my system if it is not right with respect to my context but until then these makes most sense to me:

  • Obsessiveness and curiosity can be mastered with practice and are the basic ingredients for outlier success and micro fame.

  • Long term games and bets keep us in check and make sure that we don't get to comfortable in life with short term gratitude loops

  • Time is the most unfair advantage that you can have and I will make sure I give enough time to computer

  • Making yourself visible to opportunities with average level skillsets is absolutely possible I will just have to be at the right place at the right time.

That's it for this year, see y'll next year as super saiyans.

Happy New Year


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