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Travelling Time: More Ways

thinking out loud3 min read

If time travel is possible, where are the tourists from the future? - Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time


If you are new here or reading it first time,

I am Aman and this safe space is my own metaverse, do check out all the adventures, hope you enjoy your ride :))

Time Travel?

Going through phone address book surely is the best way to travel back in time,

I was transferring my contacts from android to iOS which took me through this whole trip of bittersweet memories back in time.

Lately I have been thinking a lot about travelling time (thanks google photos ;)). When I think about travelling back in time it is not some science fictional event that I infer to, it's the objects that I still have with me.

There is more than one way of travelling time and in this personal adventure I will try to project the value of some objects which helps me do that.


I don't have a habit of clicking pictures but I do like capturing moments that help me travel back to good times, pictures perfectly signifies the tangentiality of memories, just scrolling through my smart phone gallery can generate mixed emotions within me.

In my personal opinion the invention of digital cameras was a very important one, just by it's utility of recreating an emotion.

[Public Benches]



I love public benches, the idea of sitting on a public bench either alone or with someone just amuses me,

public benches serve as great pathways for travelling back in time. The whole act of just sitting on a public bench introspecting about life or just having a casual conversation makes me want to listen more to people and myself.

[Sticky Notes]


I have been using sticky notes since my college days, and I find them absolutely useful for my daily goals and contextual planning's. I have the memory of a goldfish and it serves me very well to have these notes around.

I have all my sticky notes saved since college days and reading them reminds me of my younger self.

It's very easy to look back now and rectify the places I went wrong but writing those thoughts down on sticky notes really helped me connect to my futures self.

[ID Cards]


I have saved all my I D cards, over the years if there is one thing that has been constant in my life, it's the affiliation of an Institution, looking back at those ID cards now reminds me of all the shitty + beautiful memories I have lived and all the people I have interacted with.

The idea of looking at a previous version of me, makes me aware of the set of experiences I 've had, and if given the chance I would do nothing to change those. All of it contributed to making me, who I am today.

[Personal Dairy]


I maintain a personal dairy which I have been using for a long time to plan my long term goals, take notes on stuff I am learning, plan side projects etc.

Looking back at that dairy now, helps me become aware with all the decisions that worked out and all that didn't.

Though I am very inconsistent with the act of journaling or writing, it's impact is something which 2022 has made very clear to me.

[Digital Interfaces]


For a very long time I was very obsessed with this idea of building a second brain, still am to some extent, the idea of a digital garden where people can document their lives is very fascinating to me.

As a frontend engineer, most of my life is digital, the act of saving my actions as a documentation of my life excites the hell out of me.

[This Blog ;)]

I started 2022 with a very small goal to be somewhat consistent with my writing and looking back at the impact it has created within me and the way I think, makes me very happy.

Writing is one activity, that I think everyone should partake, it's very hard for me to project the tangential benefits that my life currently has because of writing, just trust me on this one ;)


This might look like holding on to a lot of things, it might also push me in the opposite direction to change, but the truth is, there are some things that I don't want to ever change, even if it holds me back a little bit.

Being able to recreate emotions which were long lost with a sense of warmth and familiarity is something important to me.

I am no Doremon, but I surely do have cooler tools ;)

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