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proof of curiosity

thinking out loud2 min read

Go make stuff. - Sarah Andersen, Herding Cats


If you are new here or reading it first time,

I am Aman and this safe space is my own metaverse, do check out all the adventures, hope you enjoy your ride :))


On Building Schtuff

It's been a long time since I worked on any side project, mostly because of ongoing neogcamp projects but also because of lack of time management, now that I am done with those I have had a very important realization on building things.

To create something which we are not obligated to, highlights a lot about us and our curiosity, projects that arise from boredom have a way of lighting us up.

Now I am not going talk about the grand things here(purpose) but I would surely like to signify what creating means to me.

As I am moving towards the next phase of my life (post college), I am realizing that it doesn't truly matter in which city you reside in, all that truly matters is whether you are having fun or not and I have started making decisions in my life which are skewed towards fun,

To build things or to come up with tangible representations of my ideas is a fun process for me personally, about which I am absolutely joyous about. To not do this is an indication that I am slowing down on curiosity and frankly I wouldn't want to be in that position.

I have lately been thinking this a lot and here is my 2 cents on the topic of work life balance/ doing something you love/loving your work.

Now that I am professionally contributing towards a mission with the skills I have, It becomes difficult to execute everything I have in mind. To find a prefect time balance where I can adhere to all my interests seems like living in an ideal world to me, The finiteness of time keeps on changing everyday.

Hence I personally think we should choose to work at a place where we know we will learn a lot/are aligned with the mission or where the incentives perfectly align for us to be doing all other things we wanted to.

Side projects are a portal to the kind of ideas I generate, and what are somethings I would like to have in the real world, making something/building something is an absolutely joyous thing for me not for the end outcome but because of the process.


That's it folks, this is my 2 cents on why doing just a job will never be enough.

More detailed perspective on what I think about career:



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