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Projects <> Career

figure-out3 min read

If you move fast, you can try more things. And if you try more things, you're likely to find something that works for you. - James Clear


If you are new here or reading it first time,

I am Aman and this safe space is my own metaverse, do check out all the adventures, hope you enjoy your ride :))



I have 2 months left, until I dive deep into my professional life, college was fun, made lots of new friends, had perspectives pivots couple of times along the way, overall it was an amazing experience.

Throughout college life, if there is one thing that I have noticed people worrying about the most, it is the topic career, entering college seems to be equivalent to future insurance for career and now that my college is ending I have been thinking about this career oriented future a lot.

What does career signify?

To be honest, I also don't know the answer to this, the term career is something I have been hearing since a long time and now that I am somewhat sensible in the way I think about things, I think I can project the way I think about it.

Somehow people have this misconception that they stop being students once they graduate from college, to most of my friends the title of working employee now makes more sense rather than classifying oneself as student and I wouldn't exactly blame them for this,

the society we live in, has a very clear demarcation of what a student can do and what an employee can do, the term employee is somehow associated with more trust and responsibility because you transition into Individuals who are capable of contributing to the society monetarily.

From what I think, career signifies the set of activities that we undertake as professionals which adds to our experience in a particular field or various fields, to have a good career is somewhat equivalent to having a good professional life/ being highly successful.

I may be entirely wrong here but this is what I have personally picked up from people around me, over the years. One's career acts a proof of work highlighting one's abilities for a particular skillset, but this is not what I want to talk about in this blog.

Project Mindset

Let me highlight the way in which I have been visualizing things and will do so going forward.

I am a very firm believer of skills as currency of exchange and have executed activities dedicated specifically for developing these particular attributes.


College was a big project for me, and I have contributed my significant share in completing this project, now that the project is coming to an end I have my share of successes and failures from this project, learned a lot of things along the way and it definitely acts a proof of work in my ability to experiment and learn.

There are various sub projects or outcomes I have established during my time in college which helped me reach the final goal of this project, that definitely adds a lot to my life going forward maybe not professionally but definitely in making me wise abut my decisions.

My current endeavors includes interning for a company called hallparty, with an awesome set of folks, this is also a project which will teach me something or other for sure.

Thinking in terms of projects is easier compared to career as a broad spectrum, it's very difficult to be decisive about taking actions today that will impact us later down the road, project mindset somehow makes it easier.

Before starting any project there are a certain set of objectives which I aim to achieve, after that has been achieved it depends entirely on the fun element that the project is generating. If it's fun it makes sense for me to continue with it otherwise not.

Somethings I look for in a project before starting

  • Is it fun for me
  • Will it make me uncomfortable
  • Second order opportunities associated with the projects(including monetary benefits)
  • The amount of impact my contribution as an individual can create

While this may be a very naive and a privileged outlook, I have been very careful in selecting my projects and I think this has helped me a lot in giving me the optionality I currently have.


Varun triggered this thought, and I think he does a much better at explaining the benefits of a project mindset.

Please Start Thinking In PROJECTS over CAREERS

From what I think it somehow again circles back to one's apatite for risk and experiments, if you have been a daily traveler in my metaverse you know what I am talking about ;)

For the folks who are traveling for the first time or need some context 👇

Experiments && Room For Failiure

Life is a set of projects some we complete and some we don't and it's completely okay to not complete, be a maximalist for fun

until next time friends


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