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figure-out3 min read

Something is NOT always better than nothing.


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I am Aman and this safe space is my own metaverse, do check out all the adventures, hope you enjoy your ride :))


My rant on priorities

There is a cost to almost everything we do in life, we either transact through money, time or NFTS 😉, It's upon us how we allocate our resources in such a way so that it maximizes what we want to do the most.

Everything cannot be of equal importance, somethings have a greater upside compared to other and ranking those things is what I am going to rant about today,

To prioritize means to give more importance to something,

If I am choosing to prioritize writing this blog now I am also choosing to not do something I would have done otherwise, It may seem like a fair barter of tasks that I'd be doing, but it's not because everything doesn't have the same cost


I have been thinking about intangible costs a lot lately, and it is so amazing that if we assign a price to everything we do in life, there can be a gradual shift in our perspective (obviously not the things we do for absolute joy, like spending time with our family)

If I have 3 super important tasks and 1 task which is not important, I'd still execute the one which is not important, it's not that I like to waste time, I just love the fucking grind ;)

Jokes apart, let's talk about it a bit more pragmatically

In order to become a good engineer, I have to spend time doing engineering and will have probably to say no to a lot of things, In simple ways it can be said that the cost of me being a better engineer is all those activities I'd end up saying no to.


You already know all of these things right? so what is the point that I am trying to make here?

Well I am not!

These past few months have not been very great for me in terms of work and personal progress, and all my problems can be traced back to these two things prioritization and cost of opportunity

Thinking in terms of cost

As a frontend engineer it is very easy for me to visualize the JavaScript Call Stack, the tasks which would be executed first and the tasks which would be executed later, it becomes difficult when these tasks transcend computers.

For my friends who don't know about Call Stack

Out of context and mixed feelings ftw

Now that my college is coming to an end I have been thinking about future Aman a lot.

Let's say you want to go from position A to position B.

There is a myriad of pathways available for you to choose and it ultimately dumbs down to the paths you take and the one's you don't in order to reach your destination.

Each prioritization has a cost which is oftentimes intangible to us and a better question to ask here would be:

What are somethings we can easily say no to and what are somethings we can't say no to?

It'd be a lot easier to say no to my friends compared to my family, hence it makes no sense for me to prioritize for pathways which involves saying no to my family.

I am no master of priorities and time management, I usually ask myself these questions:

How much fun is it for me?

Can I make myself curious with this thing If I transact my time in order to get better

Either way I think prioritization is an important to attribute to learn early on life whether you are in college or not.

It's not the things that we agreed for, what matters, it's the things we say no to, that matters.


I think I went a bit too thought leaderish, guess I am a guru now guys.

Should I make a course on time management now?


I have been on a loose end with time management and prioritization from past 2 months and this is what I have been thinking, do let me know if I make any sense.

Let's be Thought Leaders together ;)

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