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Next Project After College

work2 min read


If you are new here or reading it first time,

I am Aman and this safe space is m own metaverse, do check out all the adventures, hope you enjoy your ride :)


This topic has been sitting on my list from quite sometime now, I wanted this one to be a bit special, I guess that's why I have been procrastinating on writing it for a long time.

2 years younger version of me would have never believed, If I told him, I have taken a tech job, my ambitions were a bit different back then, there hasn't been a significant change from then to this present day.

Honestly, I'd still someday want to start something of my own, impacting people in my very own ways, but not now.

Ideal Job Checklist

Doing a job was not always the first thing I had in my mind when I was in college but still, I was very ambitious about the places I'd ideally want to work for.

This is a checklist which I prepared for myself back in college for the kind of job I wanted:

  • Remote Job (giving me the flexibility of travelling to quitter places and meeting new people)
  • Good enough compensation for me to save a decent chunk of my earnings
  • Dev Tooling (to work on abstractions that enable people to build wonderful things)
  • Small team (To have a decent bit of accountability and authority from the very start)
  • Frontend Dev Role (As this was the skill I was most comfortable with)
  • Making impact at surface level
  • Working with smart and ambitious people.

Looking back at this list I can say for sure that I was trying to punch above my weight in a lot of ways,

Being very idealistic is a good trait to have when you are young, makes you work hard enough to achieve that.

I maybe paraphrasing it wrong, but this was something a friend of mine told me at that time

I was lucky enough to be in an environment where punching above weight was the norm, looking back I can certainly say that It helped me a lot.

Chapter Commenda

Now coming to some personal updates, I have taken my first tech job as a frontend engineer in an early stage startup called Commenda.

I am very much motivated by their mission of enabling people to narrate their stories.

Stories have had a considerable impact in my life growing up, it is one of the vectors which influences my perception.

Working at Commenda allows me to help people build things they want to build.

My impact on the team is clearly visible to me, and it is somewhere where I visualise a considerable part of my life.


The best part about starting a starup is being able to work with your friends, I think the same applies for jobs too.

I can certainly call everyone @commenda my close friend and this what makes the process more fun.


Now I don't know a lot about startup and finance but there is one thing I am very much certain of:

I want to optimise for fun with people who make me curious and obsessive about what I am working on.


People should be more excited about their first job it's the first project they take straight out of college/while in college.



College was fun, executed a bunch of experiments, hoping to have even more fun @commenda.


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