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Needs || Wants: The Privilege Of Playing Asymmetric Games

experiments, asymmetry3 min read


I have been thinking about asymmetric opportunities for quite sometime now and it never ceases to amaze me, such a simple notion creating huge impacts on the way we operate and function in our day to day life. I was first introduced to this notion when I was diving deep into Taleb's work and I know he is a difficult one to grasp at first but the fact that he doesn't suppresses his authenticity to fade his ideas is what makes me want to know how he thinks, more.

We oftentimes miscalculate the percentage of luck in our achievements not to mention our obsessive desire to justify the unjustifiable and it is what blinds us from the asymmetries of life sometimes.

The opinions I project here might be contrary to some people and it's absolutely okay If I am in disagreement with you, otherwise how strong my foundations are?



As I am writing this, days of my engineering are coming to an end and let's just say that I have exhausted all my privilege trying to play games that are more tilted towards conformity, I wish I could have seen this pg video earlier, where he stresses on building during our college days and I cannot agree more with him.

As college students or even as students affiliated with some kind of formal degree we are under a very protective roof in our lives, where all the money is incurred by our parents, now I am no advocate of taking money from parents but it doesn't makes sense to me to not use the privilege when we know we can.

Through my fair share of experiences, I have learned this in life that things that are lindy-proof have asymmetrical upsides to them especially programming and I will come to what I mean by asymmetry but let's just look at other aspects of being young/student or having time.

First Mover Advantage

People are afraid of what they don't understand - Man of steel Oftentimes when a new technology breaks through(Ethereum enters the chat) people are afraid to jump straight into it worrying it will be a waste of time or will not last in the future.

Now up until this point there are some things which I have learned the hard way and it surely is the fact that,

we underestimate the outcome of process in life and overestimate the outcome of outcomes in life. It is ingrained within us from childhood to not take risks in life and if possible to avoid it and if you have Indian parents like me I am sure risk is a taboo at your house too, the word itself has a negative connotation but sadly doesn't convey so.

People who take risks oftentimes face either upsides as outcomes or downsides as outcomes, and obviously just like me and everyone else you wouldn't want to face downsides I get it but people massively sleep on the upsides of first mover advantage and that's where being a student makes us antifragile,

The fact that you can take calculated risks with high impacts as a student has many upsides to life in general, now you people must have heard about the NFTs by now, don't worry if you haven't, there's still plenty of time to catch up but assuming that you too are a citizen of internet just like me let's talk about this whole crypto façade for a second and it's connotations with stability.


Virtual Economy???

Many experienced people who I personally look up to and have been inspired by disagree with the pseudonymous economy and I am not writing to project my views about what I think I believe, I just want to counter a sub argument infact not even an argument more of an assumption people have about instability and future regarding working in web 3.

For a student to work in web 3.0 now won't threaten his future opportunities and stabilities in life and the norm that we need to chase stability in life is what is main cause making us fragile, the human bias to predict anything and everything makes us more fragile not to mention that trying to live a life full of stability makes us more black swan prone.

People often overlook the things they learn from being in a particular space, even if the architecture changes in future, the uncertainty encountered in the new terrain teaches a lot. So it is very much safe to discard the norm of chasing stability when we are young and have enough time(privilege) to play asymmetric games.


I am still figuring out how much stability I need in life and how much fire I can play without getting burned, influx of new opportunities seems very tempting but knowing my current positioning on the NEED---WANT line surely helps while choosing which games to play.

know when it's good to shoot for our needs and when for our wants.

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