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January: Summed Up

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This issue in particular is an overview of my technical endeavors and accomplishments around the month of January. I am projecting it here with the intent to keep myself accountable of the tasks that I have partaken for future and wish to excel at.

To inculcate some bit of structure to my blog, I will be dividing it into different sections which are important classifications which I personally want to expand upon.


One particular intent with which I started this year was to write more, and have made quite a lot of progress on that front.

  • Migrated from Hashnode to personal website


  • Published 4 blogs: 1 each week.


  • Experimented with fiction


  • Mapped technical and non-technical with analogical thinking.


Although this is not much but I can see my writing process becoming somewhat structured and less effort taking, one thing in particular which comes naturally to me now is ideas/topics on which to write blogs on.


One thing which I did try to change this year was asking for more feedbacks, than I usually would have and to be honest I have not cared much about feedbacks up until this year and this is something I wanted to change this year the reason being:

When we shield ourselves from feedbacks we let our confirmation biases take control and something similar happened with me. I have never really cared much about the organization of my blog and I mostly write to clarify my ideas but this is exactly where I was going wrong.

My delivery was not clear enough for some people, to make sense of what I was conveying and it was then when It hit me that I need to make it more simple


Asymmetric Games

After struggling a lot with the dilemma of whether to work in web 3 or not, I finally gave up and have started learning solidity along with web 2.0 basics. A lot of people that I have conversed about working in web 3 seems to have a different perspective about it.

Yes web 3 has a lot of opportunities and a lot of money

While money is a subset of the factors affecting my decision to work in web 3, it is not a major one influencing it.


1/N: Decentralized web technologies such as ethereum and solana are the only technological solutions that brings us closer to fiction, traditional web 2 made it possible for anyone in the world to create their own reality on the internet, but the impacts of such web worlds are limited.

DAOs, NFTS, and proof of participation mechanisms enable communities to reach their true potential, The architectural shift that blockchain technology brings enables us to come closer to fiction.

2/N: I want to work with people who are more talented, ambitious and curious than me and the environment that web 3 is attracting offers me the same.

3/N: I am a huge fan of Taleb's work and the idea of asymmetrical upsides intrigues me a lot, web 3 is the biggest asymmetrical risk I can take right now for my career.


With respect to web fundamentals and development I made considerable progress in January

1/N: Learned a bit of Gatsby and headless CMS to make my new website

2/N: Learned Next.js and made a stupidly simple application with Next.js to understand the framework

3/N: Made a component library with react and rollup.js

4/N: Started making a component library with html and CSS to brush up my basics


That was all that I could accomplish in the month of January, I couldn't accomplish all the things I was hoping for, some areas in particular where I lacked were:

1/N: Deep Focused Work

2/N: Time Management

3/N: Side projects/Experiments

That's it for the month of January, adios


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