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Jan-Feb-March: Summed Up

zoom out2 min read


You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. - Steve Jobs

I am Aman, and this safe space is where I am most raw with my thoughts, hop on if you'd like to interact with them :))

Looking at some past goals now have made me realise that I can't do everything all at once, and I think in general it's a good idea to keep zooming out once every few months.


I have been learning a lot of new things, and my domain knowledge(frontend) has been increasing a lot, one thing which I have realised is that,

becoming better at something requires patience and hard work and is a difficult thing to accomplish, the process itself makes you opinionated enough to care.

Opinions are worth a dime, can be formed easily but it takes real effort to turn them into good explanations.

Opinions are worth a dime!

I think I am finally reaching a point where I can project most of opinions in the form of good explanations, that makes it very clear where the bias of my reasoning is coming from.

Current Plan

I have come up with a set of things which I currently want to become better at, even if a better part of my curiosity negates it.

Understanding Data Structures and Algorithms would prolly end up in such a list, even though I fail to see any practical implications of it in may day to day tasks, my motive to be a better engineer and my curiosity to understand things with a much better clarity attracts me towards it.

I have been progressing at a steady pace which is not bad,

catching experiences

Things on which I would like to progress, moving forward

Progressing at a steady rate is good enough to make me comfortable but it is not enough to satisfy me currently,

Ambition is a very magical thing and I believe very few people are able to carry it as they grow up,

Catching Ambition

When I think about people who are better compared to me at playing with their curiosity it makes me restless,

the frustration of not being able to exceed my current limits excites me in some way, the play fullness to outperform talented people has always been something which helps me move forward with my inertia.

  • I have been making less side projects, lack of ideas (good or stupid) is a failure on my part to fuel my curiosity enough, going forward I'd like to work on a difficult projects which which would make me curious enough to not care about the frustration.

  • I have still not committed to a longer term project for this year, one thing which I would like to do for the rest of the year is to commit to it

  • Rust is something which I would want to be good at by the end of the year, I have always worked with Javascript because it was easy enough for me to escape my tutorial hell and the instant feedback of writing in react and seeing on browser has really helped in my development journey but now I think I can take a deeper stab at other languages,

javascript tooling is one area where I'd want to contribute going forward, understanding at how tools work would be something I am curious to play with.


Honestly speaking, I'd be lying if I said I am operating with 100% clarity in life,

Writing stuff down and zooming out has helped me navigate a lot of things in life, I'd like to maintain that as long as possible.

I's like to think of these zoom outs as thought exercises which helps me think clearly about what I want in life.

until next time fam ;)

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