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Interface Problems ⊂ Technical Problems

thinking out loud3 min read

Technology like art is a soaring exercise of the human imagination. - Daniel Bell


If you are new here or reading it first time,

I am Aman and this safe space is my own metaverse, do check out all the adventures, hope you enjoy your ride :))


Technology as a Solution

In 2022, we are surrounded by a myriad of technical solutions for various types of problems that we encounter on a day to day basis, the penetration of technology as a medium to solve our problems is constantly increasing.

Kudos to people who identify such problems and hand out a general solution for all of us, solving any kind of problem through technology is almost similar to using magic in itself.

The more I think about technology and using it to solve problems, the more I observe, how a majority of problems in our lives can be categorized under UI problems.

UI Problems

Most of the problems that we see around us on a day to day basis can be classified as UI problems or just interface problems, there are so many services around us which can be made more effective by just giving them an interface, observing and identifying those services is the difficult part.

Technology's ability to provide interface and automate repetitive tasks has had a huge impact in the last 10 years, almost all the things that has contributed greatly to our convenience in the recent past can be considered as a UI solution.

Over the last 10 years web infrastructure has had a massive development, where it is now very easy for anyone to become familiar with the fundamentals of the web and build abstractions on top of it.

Bridging real world problems with technology and giving them an interface is not simple, It requires multiple iterations and a proper understanding of the service.

UI/UX Designing

Solving for problems when variables are unknown is never easy!

I am very bad at math's but still someone like me can easily remember the fact that, to solve a quadratic you must have at least two variables but who are we kidding this is real world and how stupid of me to apply a math's analogy here.


I like to think of designing as the tool to make abstract things tangible, and engineering as a medium to bridge abstraction and convenience.

The importance of design as a tool to aid the development of solutions cannot be understated, it's a creative endeavor of coming up with a solutions for something intangible.

Core Technical Problems/Architecture Problems

The rate of technological progress is increasing at a massive rate, DALLE 2 and stable diffusion have given us a glimpse of what it will be like, when AI becomes far more accessible and convenient to penetrate in our day to day lives.

Technological progression in the last 10 years has made it possible for people to dive deeper into niche topics and make it a world of their own, expanding on their vagueness and creativities.

UI blankets certain types of problems, which is usually a subset of more advance set of problems. We need more advanced tools, just solving for UI problems is not enough for convenience, to feel more like magicians we need tools which are far more advanced.

If we move somewhat aside from the topic and talk about technology in general, the picture becomes very much clear, the ultimate destination that we are heading towards is doing things which brings us closer to these stories, Isn't the whole purpose of progressing as technological beings to just play quidditch in a flying car or who knows flying brooms, while I am not a potter head, I have witnessed how excited my friends used to be calling themselves this. It's not that people doesn't appreciate what J. K. Rowling has created, but it is a totally different thing to live in the world which she created

WordPress, Wix, Webflow are some examples of solutions where architecture enables abstraction, which further enables people to construct their own imagination.

Magic Type

As a frontend engineer I mostly work on UI problems, most SaaS businesses around us are just solving some kind of UI problems. I feel it is very important for us as engineers to understand what are the kind of problems we are interested to solve and maximize on that specifically, so that you can create impact proportional to your skills.

Engineering skills are just like magical attributes, it doesn't matter whether it's solving a UI problem or architecture problem, I think of them as both equally important for enabling convenience.


Personally If you ask me which kind of problems, I am interested in, my answer would be:

I am still figuring out, which problems make me curious.

This is what I have been thinking about lately :))


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