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February: Summed Up

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In retrospect time moves a lot faster when we are having fun, all our accomplishments and activities seem recent enough when we look back, this article in particular is my way of travelling back to the month of February.

If you are new here or reading it first time,


I am Aman and this safe space is my own metaverse, do check out all the adventures, hope you enjoy your ride :))



I published 3 blogs in February, contrary to what I had aimed for but let's not curse college exams, just because they are stupid and vague, this is a safe space let's respect that :))


I have gained some clarity about what to write and how to write it, I look forward to writing on weekends nowadays, don't know whether it stems from me wanting to become a good writer or me wanting to project my thoughts clearly, I guess we will eventually find out the answer to this as well.

One aspect where I would want to see myself improving with respect to writing is the style and structure, I am personally a huge fan of Shaan's writing in Milk Road for a number of reasons

1/N: Easy To Read

2/N: Good Humor

3/N: More with less words

and the most important aspect:

while reading Milk Road publishing's, it feels like as if Shaan's talking to me, which is something I have always wanted to inculcate in my writing personally. It'd be cool if I could pull out something like that with my writing.



to all you beautiful people, thanks for reaching till here, pizza on me :))


It would be a good thought experiment to figure out ways by which I can transcend my thoughts into more of an experience


Do I want to be consistent with my writing?


but at the moment it is not something I worry about too much, I somewhat feel that thinking in that tangent makes it less fun, I focus more about making the process fun, and it is working for me, so for now I will continue riding this boat, let's see where it takes me. :))

Asymmetric Games

I have been trying my best to develop the bias for being at the right place in the right time and the clock is beginning to sync, found a handful of opportunities this month and got to interact with a lot of cool people.

Blockchain space right now seems to be the most asymmetrical place to me for playing with fire so will continue to learn that from a hobbyist perspective,

Apart from these two things, I don't recall any other tasks that I have undertaken to generate asymmetric opportunities, just playing around with my current skills to have fun.


Building things for the web is something which I enjoy very much but it is not the only entity inside my curiosity basket, I have been trying to experiment with different hobbyist projects this year just for the sole purpose of having fun.

Open Source February

I have been tracking all the content I consume extensively during the month of February to get a broader perspective of the origin where my thoughts generate from and it was fun tracking all my consumption, got to know a lot about my interest circles, will probably play around with it more, maybe tweak it a little bit so that I can explore some completely new fields.

Take a look inside maybe you and I are not that different at all, do let me know if we are same would love to ideate on fiction :))

Open Source February



February was mostly around learning solidity and working on my current web 2 projects, upskilling is a slow process in my opinion, not easily visible in the shorter run.

Change never comes as fast as we want it - Shoe Dog Phil Knight

It's very hard to quantify how I upskilled myself in February, however there are some areas where I have upskilled:

1/N: Fundamentals of React

2/N: Time Management

3/N: Clear Thinking

These are some weapons which I polished upon during February, apart from these there are certain courses which I participated in


  2. Foundations of Blockchains

I am a bit contrarian about the courses aspect, I don't finish all the courses I start, and it's completely fine with me, learning is one intent with which I take courses, If seen from a three dimensional approach, I like to focus more on building something cool with my new skills rather than finishing a course.



February was a fun month overall, ventured new things and met a lot of new people.

Moving towards a more single minded focus approach as I get persuaded by a lot of Interest circles, going forward this is one area where I would like to improve upon.

Focus is the cost of excellence. -Shane Parris

That's all folks, adios


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