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Change and Discomfort are Synonyms

thinking out loud2 min read

The person you are most afraid to contradict is yourself. : The Bed Of Procrustes :: Taleb


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I am Aman and this safe space is my own metaverse, do check out all the adventures, hope you enjoy your ride :))


Certainty: There's this wrist watch 'x' which I have been using for the last 4 years, nothing great as such, It's just that the idea of that watch on my wrist is a feeling of something certain.

Uncertainty: The watch breaks

Change: I have been trying hard to find the original parts of the watch but it also hasn't been successful yet.

Now the only options left for me is to consider other watch options, but for some reason the whole idea of wearing a new wrist watch is very uncomfortable to me.

  • I have been using the same eyeglasses for last 4 years and whenever it get's damaged, I just replace it with the same new model

  • I have been using the same set of icons on my phone for last 4-5 years, the idea of my phone's interface looking different doesn't comfort me.

Lately I have been thinking about this idea of change, and the lack of comfort it comes with.


Every product that has a significant utility in my life, has an abstract percentage of how much it can satisfy me and I am really comfortable with the idea of these utilities staying the same. To contradict my own behavior, even if it's for something better is very uncomfortable for me.

I have some explanations as to why this is the case, or at least this is what I'd like to think are the reasons,

  • My apatite for taking risk is very low, the very idea of change, signifies trying something new, which may not be a good experience entirely.

  • My fear of disappointment/lack of satisfaction outweighs my decisions to change

  • As humans we repel the idea of positioning ourselves at discomfortable positions, which is a huge hindrance while trying out new things in life.

  • The idea of contradicting my own self by trying something which serves the exact opposite of what I am used to is very daunting, the notion of me being right as a bias weighs heavily.

  • People are used to my current version, to change and present a new version is a huge contradiction to what I think, they think about me.

New Things?

I am of a very strong personal opinion, that we should try out new things.

Our collection of experiences is what enables us to narrate great stories, to run away from different experiences because of our heuristics restricts us in a lot of ways.

To be able to accept different perspectives and opinions, even if I dislike them is an attribute I am working hard to establish within myself, to repel change is really counterintuitive, and against the entire notion.

Tagore beautifully visualizes our contradiction for change, through his poem Dui Pakhi where he portrays the life of two birds who are so oppressed by the comfort of their current lives that they find it difficult to try out the new things, irrespective of their desires to do so.

This video by India In Pixel, beautifully talks about Tagore's genius, and a justice to the explanation of this poem.

Change can be sometimes good, sometimes bad but I don't think I ever want to be at a position where I repel change, I personally think a lot of antifragility in life comes form taking risks and trying out new things.

The idea of change is a really uncomfortable one but to shield ourselves from change itself is the worst thing we can do to ourselves, it makes us more fragile.


This is what I have been thinking about lately, I think I will try out more new things, just to be uncomfortable.


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