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Boring is very Interesting

fun2 min read

I can talk for a long time only when it's about something boring. ― Lydia Davis


If you are new here or reading it first time,

I am Aman and this safe space is my own metaverse, do check out all the adventures, hope you enjoy your ride :))



Most of the conversations I have had in my life have either lead me to interesting places or dull places, out of which the boring ones have a knack of being the most interesting.

Now I don't know what people signify as good conversations, There are some in which I do all the talking and then there are some in which I am the one listening, If you ask me I honestly prefer the later.

But but but

Let's not beat around the bush trying to branch into some other topic, I am here to narrate the experience of an interesting conversation with a friend of mine who is a cabin crew member for the Indigo airlines.

I do not remember the entire conversation but here's a quick glance of how the conversation went.

start: 00:00 -- Hospitality Industry

My Presumptions about the Industry

  1. Training required in hospitality Industry is very much about discipline and etiquettes(WRONG(NOT ENTIRELY))

  2. Hospitality has a biasness towards physical characteristics (WRONG)

  3. Hospitality Industry can be automated (WRONG && somewhat RIGHT)

End: -- Terrorist Training

I had absolutely no clue that cabin crew members undergo such regimes which allows them to be preventive against terrorist attacks, the most interesting part being

  1. They have all the hotel passageways memorized in cases of emergency.

  2. They are asked to converse with the terrorists in order to loosen them up and make them comfortable

  3. They have a secret codeword to open the flight exit, which is: [WHO ARE YOU]

While this conversation was something which we serendipitously had, there is an interesting aspect to every business.

Boring === Interesting

Now instead of asking people:

what does your company do?

I ask them:

What's one thing about your company which is interesting to you and boring to others?

It actually sparks a good conversation about why they are excited about their work, which is more fun compared to the normal generic exchanges.


That's it for today, that's the bLoG and btw guys, that codeword is wrong, codeword surely exists but I have no clue what it is. I am assembling a team, to find out their secret codeword,


Folks interested, can send their crossword CVs at: amantulsyan35(at)gmail(dot)com.

one last thing, before parting,

Naman assembled this awesome playlist, and I am totally rolling on it, you guys should listen to it too.

It's Not Living(If It's Not With You)

A friend asked why it was so hard to find a good gif. I told them it was because good gif is an illusion: what people call good gif is actually good prompt engineering, and of course good prompts are rare.


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